Batuz is back


The Afghanistan project was successful! The human chain symbolizing "the border" was formed.

But that was not all. The deeper human aspect was that soldiers and Afghan civilians shared Afghan bread with each other as a sign of friendship and better understanding.

Wonderful photos are coming soon.

    Tons of Impressions


In spite of the helicopter problem Batuz has managed to collect a lot of information and material. He will be back soon and then all the information will be presented to the public.

Batuz is deeply touched by his stay in Afghanistan. The huge amount of impressions from this mysterious land has made it an unforgettable experience.

    Helicopter Malfunction


Only scarce news came from Afghanistan. The only known thing is that there was a problem with the helicopter. We are waiting for more information.

    Good News!


In spite of the recent difficulties concerning the execution of the project, now it is for certain - the big action will take place!

Soldiers from 15 different nations and Afghans from 5 ethnic groups will form the human chain together symbolizing "the border". Then they will dissolve it to show that borders can be overcome.

The action date is changed to November 4th.

    Mission Statement

by Batuz


I am convinced that a lot of people on this planet can be rescued, everywhere where predominating conflicts exist.

A sign of humanity and human approach should be spread out to the world.

A sign of overcoming borders and senselessness.

Soldiers from different countries and Afghans of diverse ethnic groups shall reach out for their hands as a symbol of removing mental barriers.

At the end of the creative activity they will share Afghan bread with each other.

This artwork will have an effect.

The project has to be accomplished.

    The Big Action


On November 1st is going to be the culmination of the whole Afghanistan Project when Batuz will get 15 different nations and the Afghan population together in the creation of a tremendous piece of art. Forming a human chain representing "the border" and then dissolving it will symbolically show that man is the one that makes borders and that man is the one that can make them disappear!

    Cultural Dialogue


Batuz has met military, educational and religious leaders as well as Afghan civilians to start a lasting cultural dialogue that aims at achieving a better understanding between the people.

You can read more under Reports.

    Arrival in Afghanistan


Today Batuz successfully arrived in Afghanistan, where he is going to stay for three weeks conducting maybe the most important project of Société Imaginaire.

The situation in Afghanistan is very dangerous and military experts have warned him of the high security risk involved. However Batuz is determined not to give up and to bring the project to a successful end.

You can read more about the Afghanistan Project here.

    Itinerary for the stay in Afghanistan


Batuz will spend the time from 16.10 to 21.10 in Mazar-e Sharif. Then he will visit the capital Kabul, staying there for 4-5 days. After this Batuz will head back to Mazar-e Sharif where the main action should take place. The travel back to Germany is planned for November 6th.

The Governor of Mazar-e Sharif, Atta Mohammad Noor, will welcome Batuz as his guest on October 16th and will accompany him for four days.

Batuz will also meet military, educational and religious leaders and will try to establish a lasting dialogue contributing to the improvement of the situation in Afghanistan.

You can read more about the Afghanistan Project here.

    A Book On My Own


The newest book of Batuz has been finished.
It contains only pictures of his works, letting them "speak".

You can read more about it here.


    Der Verein

trauert um Karl Gerhard Degreif

Karl Gerhard Degreif,
ehemaliger kaufmännischer Vorstand der Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG, erlag am 17. März 2010 seiner schweren Krankheit. Er war seit 2003 Mitglied im Verein Helme für den Frieden.

Als Vorstand der Stadtwerke Chemnitz AG hat er seit Juni 2000 das Unternehmen zu einem wirtschaftlich soliden Regionalversorger aufgebaut. Mit gleicher Hingabe hat er sich für den Verein, der sich für soldatische Friedensmissionen, die unter UN Mandat notwendig sind und die Bevölkerung vor Übergriffen schützen sollen, eingesetzt.

Dank seiner Persönlichkeit, seines außerordentlich hohen Fachwissens und seines großen Engagements genoss er bei allen Mitgliedern und Partnern dieser Initiative im In- und Ausland großes Ansehen.

Wir sagen Danke.